Nicole at Bubby Makes Three blogged recently about some very lovely people who have stopped and bestowed some kindness on her and her kiddies. I was going to comment on her post but thought it would be too lengthy for a comment box so I'll blog about it instead.
I blogged recently about my hellish trip to the mall to go Christmas shopping and the rude customer service I received at a few department stores. What I didn't mention however was me bestowing some kindness on a Grandma and her grand kids.
Now I should probably start off and mention, I hate it when you are lining up at a store and the checkout next to you opens and people from behind you go before you. Annoying right!?
Anyway, I was at Kmart and there weren't too many registers open so the line ups were crazy long. I was lined up behind the Grandma, who was lined up behind this lady who was buying half of Kmart and then paying with it all with a gazillion gift cards. This poor Grandma was beginning to look frazzled as her grand kids were getting a bit fidgety.
So the check up opens beside me and I was so tempted to just buy my one item and get the hell out of there. But the Nana looked at me with these tired weary eyes, and I just smiled and let her buy the toys in her hands.
And the best part? She was so grateful and so thankful and spoke to her grand kids about doing nice things for others.
Have you been the recipient of some random kindness lately? Or have you been the one spreading the kindness?
A lovely story! After all the kindness bestowed upon me, I need to do something nice too!! Who can I help????
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