Hello there cheeky chops. Wow four months old already! I know I’ve said it before but you are such a big boy now. You haven’t grown that much in weight or height this month (6.97kgs and 65 cm tall) but it seems like you are learning new skills each and every day.
You can now roll from your belly to your back, but only when it suits you. I managed to capture it on camera, and you look awfully proud of your efforts. You are also much more content and happy to spend some time on your belly just looking around taking in the world from a different point of view. Rolling from back to belly hasn’t quite been achieved yet, though you are very good at rolling from your back to your side, especially when playing on your play mat.
You love the sound of your own voice, and have perfected the squeal. I am trying to teach you inside and outside noises, but you don’t really listen. You have a new bed buddy, Bluey, which the Hallas family gave to you. You like to nuzzle your face into Bluey when sleeping and chat to and slobber on him when you break free from the wrap.
Your sleeping is going very well. You self settle yourself to sleep 99% of the time. The only sleep we have problems with is the sleep after your bath. You’d much rather stay awake after the bath, being downstairs with Mummy and Daddy. You generally only wake up once or twice a night for a quick feed and cuddle. I am feeling more human now and I think Daddy appreciates less wake ups during the night too. You are sleeping in your own cot now in your big boy room. I miss having you next to me in your bassinet or the portacot, just listening to you breathing.
Your first tooth is yet to make an appearance, but I don’t think it’s too far off. You are constantly dribbling and munching on anything you can get your hands on. Your new obsession is eating anything made out of cloth. It doesn’t matter if its clothes, a bib, a cloth nappy or a washer it all ends up covered in drool. You love story time and your favourite books at the moment are Incy Wincy Spider, Where’s the Green Sheep and Are You My Mother. You also love nursery rhymes and your favourites at the moment are The Grand Old Duke of York and Humpty Dumpty.
You are still such a happy and content little boy who is always smiling or giggling. You fill our lives with such joy, laughter and happiness. I’m so happy to be your Mum.
Happy four month birthday my beautiful little man.
Love Mummy
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