The lovely Lauren at Ninja Tales has tagged me in her recent post. So who am I to say no? Here goes:
What was your very first blog about?
It was actually this blog. I stumbled across a forum and noticed quite a few ladies have blogs.... and what do you know, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon as well. I must admit, my blog is more like an online diary, hence the somewhat anonymous blog
Who is your biggest inspiration?
My twin cousins, Jocelyn and Carol. They were kicked out of home by their Mum at the ridiculous age of 14 and have accomplished many things and absolutely kicked butt along the way. Jos even let me stay with her and her husband when I left home at the age of 16. They are both like big sisters to me and I love them to bits. I love their values and beliefs and the way they are raising their kiddies and hope to raise my little boy with some of these values as well. They certainly have a special place in my heart. Ah, such gorgeous ladies.
If you were Ms Julia Gillard for the day..what would you do?
Well to tell you the truth I'm really not that into politics (which is on my to do list to know more about) but I must say I still can not believe the way assylum seekers are treated by Australia. While I don't know everything about it, I cringe when I think about how these people are treated. So I guess if I was PM for the day I'd set about changing how we deal with this situation
What makes you nervous?
Meeting new people. I am so ridiculously shy it's not funny. After having my baby I tossed around the idea of attending a mother's group. I don't know many people where I live and thought it would be a good idea. I was nearly wetting my pants with nervousness the first time I went.
What was the last thing you said?
'Oh you stink baby'.....need I say more? I will only add that he's been saving this poo explosion for the last 3 days..... EWWWW!!!
What fashion confuses you?
I don't get how leg warmers made a come back. Perhaps I'm just not cool or hip enough to pull them off but every time I see them I just think 'huh!?'
Do you have a song that you hold close to your heart?
I remember sitting on my Nan's front porch with my younger sister and singing a song called 'Grandma we love you' to a video camera. We thought we were the coolest kids around. I think I hold it close to my heart as it was the last time we saw my Nanna alive, she died of leukaemia. My sister said not long ago she found the VHS with us singing that song *sob*
Describe yourself in 5 words
A shy blonde book-loving vegetarian perfectionist
Alrighty then, you're meant to tag 8 people, but I don't have many followers, and the lovely Loz tagged a few mutual friends so I'll have to tag only 6 people. So it's Your Turn:
Amie @ Mummas Mumblings
Zoey @ Ramblings of a wife and Mama
Rach @ Racheous
Tamsyn @ My (not so) perfect life
Louise @ Luscious Life
Lauren @ The little house that could
My Questions:
1. Do you make New Year's resolutions and stick to them?
2. Are birthday's a big deal in your house?
3. If you won a million dollars would you go to work the next day?
4. Name your least favourite feature
5. What was the first car you owned?
6. If someone you were talking to had snot up their nose/something on their face would you tell them? Or just hope someone else does?
7. What is the one word that you absolutely HATE people using?
8. What is the one food that you would never give up?
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