I have been a very slack blogger as of late, and really I have no excuse :-) I have been lazing around the house, sleeping in, nesting and pottering and cooking. It has been a lovely relaxing lead up to the birth of our little baby.
People keep asking me if I'm over being pregnant and the truth is I'm not. Now that bub's is no longer wedged up under my ribcage I'm feeling pretty good. Sleep is extremely hard to come by though. Not sure whether it's my body getting me used to the broken sleep now, or the constant toilet stops through out the night.
I'm feeling pretty zen about the whole labour thing. I have just ordered a TENS machine and express posted it down so that should be here early Friday morning, and I have my fingers and legs crossed bub's doesn't make an appearance between now and then as I've just paid $89 for the machine hire! C's parents rang on Sunday night and told him they have a feeling I'll go into labour on Thursday (no idea why they think this) so cue hubby running around like a mad man trying to get stuff organised. We have only just put the furniture into the baby's room. And I now need to pack all the clothes etc into the chest of drawers.
Hubby has also decided to be Mr Bossy and has ordered me to pack my hospital bag. I feel like my hospital bag is massive and I only have half the stuff in there so far. I also think I'm in denial too. Less than 2 weeks to go but I'm still pottering along not really stressing about the fact that we'll have a baby soon!!I have been getting more twinges/back ache/period type pain etc so hopefully my body is preparing itself. I haven't gotten any BH contractions so I have no idea what a contraction feels like. I'm sure I'll know when I'm in labour though?
I had my first ever pedicure yesterday (my god daughter gave me a voucher for my bday way back in April) and I must say I'm hooked!! I had to focus on keeping my eyes open otherwise I'm sure I would have gone to sleep. Only problem is I wore closed in shoes so a few of my nails got smudged. Oh well there's an excuse to go back and have another one once bub's is born.
Now because I've been so slack I have 2 weeks worth of bump pics for you... ENJOY!! And yes that's the same shirt, oh the joys of a maternity wardrobe :-)
37 Weeks
38 Weeks
(And no that's not my bellybutton sticking out it's just my thumb!)
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