Monday, January 18, 2010

The Weekend

Dear universe,
Why oh why do weekends go by so quickly? It's like one moment it's Friday afternoon and the next thing you know BAM it's Sunday afternoon and the husband is getting organised to go back to work.

We had a pretty lovely weekend. We went and saw Sherlock Holmes at the movies Friday evening. It was a good movie, with a few twists and turns that kept you guessing (and some eye candy to keep the ladies happy). Rachel McAdams was wonderful in it and they have left it open for a possible 2nd movie which the husband was happy about.

Saturday we got up relatively early and hit Target hoping to get some baby goods. Well the cruiser pram husband wanted to push around was sold out and they didn't have a store one to push. My guess is it's the universe trying to tell us it's a crappy pram and to get the new strider plus :-) Husband has a different interpretation but I like mine better. All we ended up getting from Target was 7 bibs. They sold out of the newborn sized huggies and all the clothes are sooooo gender specific that we'll have to wait until after our morphology scan to buy clothes.

We also headed to the baby shop and pushed a few prams around. LOVE THE NEW STRIDER!!! The girls at the shop said a new 3 wheeled strider is coming out in the next 6-8weeks so we'll wait until then and test drive that one. DH likes 3 wheel prams better so I might have more luck convincing him about the new strider if it has 3 wheels :-)

DH still doesn't see the point of the capsule that clips into the pram but the way I see it is if it clips into the pram then you don't wake bub's up going from car to pram (and maybe inside) and back again. BRILLIANT!! And we'll just sell it when we're done with it. Good idea if you ask me. Not so good if you ask DH. He just wants to hire one from some place for 6 months or so. I just don't see the point as you can't put the capsule into the pram, so you'll be waking the baby up to go from capsule to pram. There's no way I'd cart a capsule around the shops with me, they're quite heavy without a 3.5kg bub in it. He think it's cheaper just hiring one. Which is true, however if you sell the capsule I'm sure in the end the money thing will even out.

Sunday we had a lovely long sleep in followed by some yummy toasted hot cross buns and a nice day of pottering around the house doing not much. (Though does playing wii together count?)

Squirt turned 16 weeks yesterday! Crazy!! I can't believe the time is going so quickly, but slowly at the same time. I just can't wait to find out the sex in February. Lucky we've both agreed to find out the sex. I couldn't wait until the birth. I'm soo not a patient person.

What's Squirt up to this week: 16 weeks

* Squirt is now about the size of an avocado (11.6 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighing 100 grams).

* The circulatory system and urinary tract are in full working order, and she/he's inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through his lungs.

* Bub's is having fun playing with the umbilical cord

Mumma to be this week

* Apparently my uterus has expanded so much that the ligaments in my abdomen are stretching to make room for it (Maybe that's the pains I've been getting on either side of my belly?)

* My skin is still bloody annoying. I was hoping I'd start to see that lovely 'pregnancy glow' soon.

* Still waiting for the so called '2nd trimester energy boost'. Would love this soon :-)

* I think I've started putting on weight. I sneakily weighed myself on some Kmart scales yesterday (so not sure how accurate they were) but it said I'd put on 2kgs.

Belly Pics