I've been trying to keep busy this last week or so (I'm 10 days past ovulation and desperately trying to restrain myself from testing until AF is a week late..... so only 11 days to go) but it's so hard. I have had immense back ache for the last 5 days or so (thank God for wheat packs) and this morning I got the highest ever temperature in the 3 months we've been trying to conceive. These things coupled with the fact that I feel off in the stomach gets my hopes up that we are pregnant.
But last cycle I had myself convinced that we were pregnant and we know how that ended. My dreams were crushed and I was crying like a sissy girl.
BLAH!!! The dreaded TWW! Oh how I hate you. I have my fingers crossed that we've timed our baby making sessions right, that sperm met egg and that there is a little bubba being made as we speak.
Oh I so know what you mean. I hated that two week wait also. Funnily enough, the month we fell pregnant (9th cycle of TTC) was the first month that I didn't temp, didn't obsess and just had fun with my husband for a change. The day I found out I was pregnant, I woke up convinced that I had my period and woke up my husband in tears. He told me to take a pregnancy test to the toilet anyway, and low and behold, the two most beautiful lines I ever did see!!!
I hope this is your last two week wait.
But if not... just think how cool it would be to conceive your baby in New Zealand!!
Zoey x
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